PowerPay Creating Clean Energy Jobs For Women And Youth Entrepreneurs In Turkana

PowerPay Creating Clean Energy Jobs For Women And Youth Entrepreneurs In Turkana
The energy sector in Africa needs women and youth, with the youth being Africa’s greatest asset. Women empowerment and youth participation are not only a mandatory condition but also a strong enabler to achieve the SDG7 and to guarantee universal access to energy by 2030.According to The African Development Bank, Africa’s youth population is rapidly growing and expected to double to over 830 million by 2050. If properly utilized, this increase in the working age population could support increased productivity and more inclusive economic growth across the continent. However today, the majority of youth in Africa do not have stable economic opportunities. About 420 million youth aged 15-35, a third are unemployed, another third is vulnerably employed, and only one in six is in wage employment. Youth face about double the unemployment rate of adults, with significant variation by country. The consequences of youth unemployment in Africa are pervasive and severe: unemployment translates to poorer living conditions, fuels migration out of Africa, and contributes to conflict on the continent itself. Moreover, youth unemployment constitutes a failure to capitalize on one of the continent’s greatest assets for growth: its large and growing population of talented youth. There is urgent need to create opportunities for the youth in Africa. Addressing the various causes of youth unemployment on the continent will help drive inclusive economic growth, turning Africa’s demographic dividend into an economic one. In conjunction with SNV and as part of our mission we are working to increase the participation of women and men in the clean energy value chain. GIVE Ltd recently trained 46 young men and women as last mile entrepreneurs in Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kalobeyei Settlements and hosting Turkana community. GIVE Ltd recruited 2 of the trained LME’s to join the team as PowerPay sales agents.…