PowerPay Africa was honoured to host a team from GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Prospect and Access to Energy Institute (A2EI) at our IoT Manufacturing & Assembly Plant in Nairobi, Kenya today. PowerPay is partnering with GIZ under The Energising Development (EnDev) Project in Kenya to supply IoT for the digitalization of electric cooking appliances from various manufacturers and distributors with PowerPay’s locally manufactured IoT technology. PowerPay and the EnDev project are partners alongside The Ministry of Energy and Petroleum, Energy & Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA), Kenya Power , MECS programme , Access to Energy Institute (A2EI) and electric cooking appliance suppliers in the eCooking round table and eCooking technical working group whose objective among others is to facilitate acquisition of data to support design of an eCooking tariff to enable the sector scale adoption.
A key feature of electric cooking appliances necessary to enable acquisition of household usage data is an in built IoT technology that enables monitoring of energy consumption, usage patterns, smart electricity metering, remote switch on and switch off and carbon dMRV. EnDev through its Higher-Tier Cooking Results-Based Reimbursement Facility and enabling environment component, is supporting the objective of promoting eCooking by facilitating innovation (design & manufacture) of embedded IoT in eCooking appliances as well as identification and testing of existing eCooking appliances with this capability. The data generated from the metered appliances by PowerPay will be used to support eCooking tariff experiment to model an eCooking tariff and inform economic modelling for a period of 12 months.